Welcome to my First Task!

This will be the basic of the C# Language!

On This Page I will teach you some codes and learn some of the C# language! This is so exciting!

The brief definition on this website called Microsoft Developer Network. The link http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z1zx9t92.aspx. I used this definition because it is the closes definition I could find.


It is obivious that this definition is not in my words but this is what you look up on google. If you don't understand this defintion, I'll give you mine definition of what I preceive as the C# language.

The C# language is for techie people learn to use for coding. Coding is what I used to create this website! There are commands that we put in the computer so the computer could portray the program that we created. C# is one of the languages that the computer understands. This language is the easiest to understand when starting out.

We use commands such as Console.ReadLine(); This code would pop up a black screen and would read what ever was written. Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); This code would pop up on the black screen and the written words would say Hello World. These codes are only used in the Console Application in Visual Studios. Neat Eh?

This is what a command would look like in Visual Studios

The Blue Underline is you opening and closing bracket to your command. You must have these for your command to work. the Green Underline is your code.

Here is an example of what Console Application in C# looks like.

Hello World

This is the end result of what you need to code for this to work. It's two easy codes that I have mentioned above.